UR BME BS 2006
Concentration: Optics
University of Pittsburgh Bioengineering; Biomechanics PhD 2011
Silver Spring, MD
Concurrent with BS:
Summer (junior): Engineering REU at Duke University
1yr: Teaching Assistant for Biomechanics
During PhD:
3 semesters: Teaching Assistant
2 mo: Consultant at Carmell Therapeutics
4 mo: Assistant Coach for First Lego League
1.5 yr: Post Doc at University of Pittsburgh
9 mo: Biomedical Engineer/ Product Evaluation Analyst at FDA
“My advice to current students would be to be open to new opportunities as they come and not to rule anything out because it wasn’t part of your original plan or because you don’t think you are a perfect fit for the position. Most likely you will not end up on the exact career path you had initially set out for. It’s good to have a plan, but don’t be afraid to stray from it when opportunities present themselves – You may come across something you never even knew existed! Try something and if you don’t like it, try something else. When applying and interviewing, I would encourage you to think about the more general and overarching skills you have developed and emphasize these more than specific details or tasks.”