First meeting with Professor Gdowski (Department of Biomedical Engineering, CMTI)
As a first step, one of my colleagues (Dr. Lerner) recorded some information for you about the 1st semester course selection. Here’s a link to that recording. Please try to watch it before we meet by Zoom, since it may answer some of your general questions. (IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE OPENING IT, just send me an email and I’ll find an alternate way to share it!). I have also included the pre-registration sheet and the curriculum guide. Please take a look at the pre-reg sheet and curriculum guide before we meet. Some of the classes you will choose will depend on whether or not you took AP credit. We can review that in our meeting and decide which variations will work best for YOU. Please book a 30minute meeting with me using the following calendar! (I will be teaching on Tuesdays and Thursdays in August — so we will have to navigate around those days!).