Kayleigh Miller

Neurophysiologist with Nuvasive Clinical Services providing intra-operative monitoring during various surgeries.

  • Monitor patients’ nervous system in various surgeries using a wide range of neurophysiological techniques across many testing modalities including SSEP, S-EMG, T-EMG, TceMEP and TOF
  • Interact with surgeons and surgical team to provide interpretive data, including any findings and significant changes
  • Consult with surgeon regarding structures at risk and modalities to be monitored.
  • Consult with anesthesia regarding regimens acceptable for testing
  • Interact with patient, when applicable, to obtain a detailed history and clearly explain the neurophysiological tests to be performed.
  • Accurate placement of stimulating and recording electrodes using the 10-20 system of electrode placement.
  • Display and label waveforms for marking, measuring and calculating information such as latencies, amplitudes and conduction times following established guidelines and protocols