CMTI Executive Director, Dr. Greg Gdowski answers FAQ on the Careers Unfiltered podcast!


Episode Overview

In this episode, Greg shares his experiences in both industry and academic settings and how choosing what do next is a difficult decision. He gives clear advice on how to negotiate for a higher salary and to set yourself up for success with the skills and knowledge made during your undergraduate career.

Greg Gdowski

Greg Gdowski

Professor Greg Gdowski has nearly 30 years of biomedical engineering experience and is an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Rochester. He is also the Executive Director of the Center for Medical Technology & Innovation which is a program designed for master’s students to foster new ideas at the intersection of medicine, technology, and entrepreneurship.

Career Conversation with with 2009 University of Rochester BME Graduate: Andrew Bochenko!

Join us for an IN-PERSON conversation with a product manager at Bigfoot Biomedical, a company that has just started clinical trials for technology to help manage insulin-dependent diabetes through smart technology.  Andrew will discuss the day-to-day duties of a product manager in the medical innovation field, the transition from college to industry, the importance of networking, and general career advice.  Prior to joining Bigfoot, Andrew completed his MS in Engineering Management at Duke University, then worked at Medtronic for four years. He has also interned at a variety of large and small companies.  Bring questions or just a listening ear!

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Career Conversation with Nicole (Telleri) Simpson

As part of our continuing "Career Conversations" series, we had another great Skype "visit" from a former student, Nicole (Telleri) Simpson, who is now working at Heartware in Framingham, MA.  It’s an exciting time to be a Verification and Validation (V&V) engineer at Heartware, as they start a new clinical trial for a smaller, improved Ventricular Assist Device. 
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